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    February 2012
    M T W T F S S


Hey ACP, 

In my previous post, I talked about the new thing coming to ACP, medals. If you are intrigued by this new addition (or re-addition) then read on! If you feel you think you can skip this important information, then skip this post and read about our invasions, thank-you! 😛

So, medals, what are they? They are like a simpler way to get promotions, and the ranks part to this post? There are going to be new high ranks if you scroll down, but for now admire the picture of a green ribbon/gold/sliver medal.

1. Medals

The idea was proposed by Capncook, an ACP mod rank, and the leaders thought about it and we have now decided to use it! Medals are pretty much what they do on the tin, they are an achievement for going to battles, starting your own unscheduled events, etc.

There will be a medals page coming soon too, where the amount of medals you own will be posted and where you can post if you start-up your own event, or made an event and we missed you out.

  • [1 Medal] = 1 Medal is given if you start your own unscheduled event or recruiting session, and you post the pictures and results on ACP “Medals” page. This is an easy way to get medals, grab a few friends and start recruiting on Mammoth!
  • [2 Medals] = 2 Medals is given for a normal scheduled event, whether it is a cleansing of one server, or a possible invasion of a less important server. If you attend your averaged event, you will gain 2 medals.
  • [3 Medals] = 3 Medals is for VERY important event, events which were labelled promotion events fall into this category, I know a lot of you love promotions but a lot of people are being promoted too quickly.
  • [30 Medals] = 30 medals is not something which can be given, it is something that can be achieved. If you receive 30 medals throughout the month you will be given a promotion! Other rewards will be given at 25 medals, etc, but they haven’t decided yet. After each month the medals that you had achieved, all get lost, and you start afresh after a new month. The 30 medal promotions only apply to member ranks.

Medals will be posted a bit more in-depth in the Medals page coming soon, but with the invasions all of next week, it’s the perfect time to get into place. You know how much medals are up for grabs for each event, so it’s time to login and get the medals!

So, now you know what the medals are about, and how they can be got, and what they will mean. So, now to move onto the next part of my post, the high ranks of ACP. Yes, it’s time for those demotions and the exciting promotions.

2. Ranks

The high ranks of ACP are going to change, yet again, with a demotion of a much-loved 3ic. Klug1234 has been demoted from Commander General for his lack of being active, something we do not need while we are in a war. His replacement will be determined in the coming week, with the week of reclamation helping us decide who is leader-material. The candidates are 12declan12, Kingfunks4 and Stew20.

Supreme Commander: Flipper7706, Kenneth1000

Head General (2ic): Icey Cold27, Slider568

Commander General (3ic): Carter157, Ekpenguin9,  ?

——Owner Line——

General (6): 12declan12 (ACPTR), Asdfghjkl888, Empoleon7667, Kingunks4, Klug1234, Stew20,

Master General (10):  Bird Pingu, Carcal,  Ironhide24, Fiasco121, Noka11, Noseycjr, Monsoon, Mosh345, Penny91, Swimmerboy01

——Mod Line——

There is also a new General, as you may realise. In the past general meeting, the generals decided that they would like Empoleon7667 as the next General of ACP, and we have agreed with their choice and promoted him we are sure he will be one of the best in the coming weeks of war. And that is the end of this Medals and Ranks post, some quite big changes if you think about it, and now I leave you as we prepare for the master invasions. Hope you can make all of them!


17 Responses

  1. i like the medals idea, congratulations to emp, thank you for allowing me to be a candidate… although i really want 3ic likewise so do the other candidates I feel I wont be given 3ic as you probably think I am to much of a “noob”


  2. Congratulations Emp. I know you’ll do great 😀 I’ve seen the medal system in other armies and it often hasn’t worked. Let’s see if we can keep them up.


  3. Why thank you for the promo and everyone who have helped me get this far. I like the medal idea too. It could make more people go to events.


  4. Well Done Emp, I told you I would do everything I could to get you that spot :P. I think the medal system will work well in this army compared to other armies because we will actually use it after events and for promotions.
    I would really like 3ic, and I’m sure Stew and Declan do as well (and I wish them both good luck, they would both make great 3ic’s), but maybe my CPAC commitments are too much for the leaders likings? I don’t know, but I feel I could handle both of them. Thanks for the opportunity.


  5. That’s a lot of medals to keep track of.


  6. I can’t get onto chat, so don’t try to demote me, Mkay?


  7. If we try out the medal system, ACP would become more ACPTR.


  8. well done acp


  9. So, say if we don’t get enough medals, will we not get a promo? If so if you are really inactive is it possible to be demoted?


  10. Flip, I’ve gone to FOUR auto-promo battles, since I was a Field General. Yet I remain a field General. No promo here. Yet you also keep telling me, (Ken too), that you will promote me. THEN, you said Master General was full so I couldn’t get a promo. I then asked for being Handpicked INSTEAD of promo, which I still haven’t recieved. And today, I found you took me off of ranks, claiming I retired, which i didn’t do.


  11. im liking the medals idea, an easier way to see if a troop deserves a promotion or not… i will not let you down sir, i will get thrity medals+ guaranteed, as i make it to all the invasions.


  12. congrats ek i hope 12declan12 gets the promoton,i like the meadal idea but getting that many meadals in that month would be hard…and i cant even take pics i dont know how….i would i agree only for that i cant take pics 😦


  13. i dint get the medals thing but i think it is a great idea, ps is a medal a promotion?


  14. please reply


  15. how do i find how many medals i have?


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